Level 8 Vault Change

There has been a change for how level 8 vaulting works. Originally, a level 8 could preform 2 vaults and they would be awarded the higher of the two scores.

With the recent change to the rules, level 8’s will be rewarded the score of the second vault regardless of score. The intend is to increase safety for this level. For example, if a level 8 scores a 9.2 on vault and scratches the second vault, they will be awarded the 9.2. If they were to do the second vault and were to roll out of it and score an 8.7, they would be awarded the 8.7.

If there are any questions, please contact me at wvusag@gmail.com. I will also post the minutes from the national meeting that included this change when I receive them.

4 thoughts on “Level 8 Vault Change

  1. My daughter is a Level 8 gymnast and it seems there is a lot of confusion regarding the new vault rule. Is the judge required to flash the score of the first vault before the coach/gymnast decides to compete a second vault? At one competition the score was flashed and at another competition it was not. Is there an official rule on flashing the score?

    1. Judges are not required to flash the score of the 1st vault before the second. Coaches are allowed to ask what the first score was to help decide whether to do the second or not.

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